Tuesday, May 31, 2011

You're Invited: Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery: a Lunch and Learn

In Houston, summertime brings about two unpleasantries: heat and hurricanes.

While heat is no fun, we've learned to tolerate it - but hurricanes can be much worse and for businesses they can cause damage, lost productivity and at worst, lost memory and sales.  That's why we at IS Support and our partners at iland Cloud Infrastructure would like to invite you to our free Lunch and Learn on June 15th.

Whether it's a hurricane or a simple power outage, don't let a disaster of any kind set your company back!  Learn how you can use Cloud Computing to make your company disaster-proof to give your business peace of mind so you can spend this summer worrying about the heat instead of hurricanes.

Don't wait! Register now below:

Thursday, May 26, 2011

HP Memorial Day Sale!

For most of us here in Houston, the Memorial Day weekend will be spent with our families, perhaps some barbeques, or some needed rest.  Our friends at HP, though, will be just as busy as ever, especially with their Memorial Day Weekend Sale with some amazing deals.

We thought we would share them with you here: http://bit.ly/jIhRiK

Lastly, we hope you remember to think of our men and women in uniform, who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.  Happy Memorial Day!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Join us for a free event on May 25th

IS Support presents: "Hyper-V and how it will impact your business"
You’ve probably been hearing about cloud computing. But when you get beyond the hype, most cloud solutions offer little more than an alternate place to store your data.
Join us for a cloud power event and we’ll show you how our expertise and Microsoft cloud solutions can help you to:

• Reduce your capital expenses
• Save money by paying only for the computing power you  need
• Get to market faster by leveraging your existing IT skill investments.

Register today and see how cloud power can help your business move forward.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Flying on "The Cloud"


Everyone remembers their first flight.  Whether you were 5 years old or 30, there was always a tinge of nervousness and dread.  Your mind may have flashed back to images of the news, or Die Hard 2 – a plane hurtling, uncontrollably to the ground.  However, after all of that anxiety, you ended up safely at your destination, on time, and received a free juice out of the ordeal.  Despite all the nervousness and in-flight turbulence, flying turned out to be a safe and fast way to reach your destination.

If you have doubts and skepticism about switching to cloud technology, you are not alone.  Certainly there have been bouts of bad publicity and concerns about security such as the most recent fiasco with Amazon.  But like flying on a plane, when all the hyped media coverage is removed, cloud technology is simply the most efficient and reliable way to deliver technology for your business.  Just like the truth: “You’re more likely to crash on the way to the airport, than to crash on the plane flight,” the same can be said about the reliability of the cloud: “You’re more likely to lose data with your traditional IT methods, than on the cloud.”  

IS Support is committed to providing your companies technology needs and as a small business in Houston, we are experts in helping local businesses make technology an asset, not an expense.  Since partnering with iland Cloud Infrastructure in 2010, IS Support is dedicated to becoming a leader in cloud technology for your business.  Iland offers partners a fully redundant private or public environment and have an amazing business continuity service that we allow clients to leverage.

If doubts about Cloud technology makes you feel like flying for the first time, let IS Support help ease those reservations. Contact us today, for more information on how Cloud technology can help take your business to the next level